
What’s next for journalism

Are the days of Drudge over? CJR introduces Press Forward: Dialogues on the Future of News. The post-daily world: To understand what’s next for journalism, it helps to put the decline of daily newspapers in context. Jack Shafer on why Obama should stiff-arm "save the newspapers" legislation. From The Atlantic, don’t blame the Internet for the dismal performance of big media companies — blame inept executives; much of the news you see on TV is the work of political hit men, not journalists — and it’s only getting worse; and the Arab TV channel Al Jazeera is visually stunning, exudes hustle, and covers the globe like no one else — just beware of its insidious despotism. The most hated name in news: Can Al Jazeera English cure what ails North American journalism? A review of Journalism’s Roving Eye: A History of American Foreign Reporting by John Maxwell Hamilton. Israel’s gadfly: Haaretz’s Gideon Levy bucks Israeli media to report on Palestinian suffering. After 208 years, is Britain's Observer near the end? A review of My Paper Chase: True Stories of Vanished Times — An Autobiography by Harold Evans (and more and more and more). Bias and the Beeb: The charge that the broadcasting corporation is left-wing has been repeated so often that it goes almost unchallenged — if anything, it is a bastion of conservatism. The BBC is the world’s largest broadcaster, with a long list of sins — but now its licence fee is being raided and its output attacked. Auntie matters: The BBC must fulfil its potential to inform, says Felipe Fernandez-Armesto.