
This new type of warfare

From Armed Forces Journal, hybrid vs. compound war, the Janus choice: Defining today’s multifaceted conflict; there is increasing awareness within the Defense Department that wars are interactively complex or “wicked” problems; America’s military is overdue for a dramatic overhaul; and what about the future of cyberwarfare, and what could it look like? (and more) You can download Aerospace Power in the Twenty-first Century: A Basic Primer by Clayton K. S. Chun. From Air & Space Power Journal, John D. Jogerst on Preparing for Irregular Warfare: The Future Ain’t What It Used to Be; and Robert Wilkie on Hybrid Warfare: Something Old, Not Something New. From Air Force Magazine, airpower for hybrid war: This new type of warfare aligns closely with US Air Force strengths; the vanishing arsenal of airpower: Negative events have begun overtaking the once mighty and innovative US aerospace industry; and the nation’s armed forces are edging toward what may prove to be a laser revolution. The military commonly enlists science in its efforts — but when science is humanity, the relationship gets a little stickier. Higher Miseducation: Patrick Poole on how our military schools of higher learning are contributing to our strategic blindness. Some influential voices have argued that the service academies should be shut down because they are too expensive and do not compare with their civilian counterparts — enormous damage will be done to our military and national security if such ideas are accepted (and more). An end to the "Long War": The current Quadrennial Defense Review underscores the stark contrast between Obama's and Bush's visions for US military engagement (and more). Fred Kaplan on why Obama's spending freeze should apply to (most of) the military.