
What’s old is new again

Exile in Greenville: Liz Phair on what happens when a NASCAR race and an environmental conference converge. Is technology ruining America’s youth? It’s certainly ruining its older generations. What’s old is new again: Just when you thought Iraq was getting better. Proxy War: A look at how Haiti became a battlefield for the great powers. Thomas Sowell on John Rawls and the problems with a more hands-on concept of fairness. Alan Wolfe reviews Intellectuals and Society by Thomas Sowell (and more by Russell Jacoby). From Aestimatio, a review of The Catapult: A History by Tracey Rihll and a review of The Astrolabe by James E. Morrison. Why Orwell Endures: Sad as George Orwell’s early death was, one can’t escape a sense that in some way it was providential. A look at 5 ways techno-gadgetry is bringing out the worst in humanity. Justice, medieval style: Peter Leeson on the case that "trial by ordeal" actually worked. Why does time fly by as you get older? Robert Krulwich wants to know. Andrew Klavan on Culture v. Reality: Can you spot the difference? From Registan, Joshua Foust on Charlie Wilson, father of the Taliban. A look at the 5 most statistically full of shit national stereotypes. Paleography is Important: Don’t mess with a bunch of pissed-off medievalists. Bill Moyers interviews Thomas Frank, editor of The Baffler, on conservatism and the financial crisis. Much as he dislikes thinking about the Boomers, Joshua Glenn is now going to say a few words about them. The history man and fatwa girl: How will David Cameron take news that think-tank guru Niall Ferguson has deserted wife Sue Douglas for Somali feminist Ayaan Hirsi Ali?