
In survival mode

A review of How to Survive the End of the World As We Know It by James Wesley Rawles. From ACME, James Lewis (Datum) and Ilan Kelman (CICER): Places, People and Perpetuity: Community Capacities in Ecologies of Catastrophe. A review of The End is Nigh: A History of Natural Disasters by Henrik Svensen. An interview with Susan Hough, author of Predicting the Unpredictable: The Tumultuous Science of Earthquake Prediction (and more and more). From the San Andreas fault to southern Ontario, signs of earthquakes — past and future — are everywhere. David Sirota on our addiction to disaster porn. What happens when disaster goes viral? A look at how disasters are not rare, so prepare. From Popular Mechanics, self reliance can get you through any disaster: Our complex world is more disaster-prone than ever — but there’s plenty we can do about it; an article on The New Homesteaders: Off-the-grid and self-reliant; a history of self-reliance timeline; an article on 4 people who faced disaster, and how they made it out alive; and here are 5 unexpected survival kit essentials. A look at 7 common survival tactics (that will get you killed). Read this in case of emergency: Can a book teach you how to survive? Legacy of the Stone-Age Mind: Research suggests we remember better when we’re in survival mode. Lisa Darms on how stories of survival and cruelty are often set on an island; the following books take the island as a narrative constraint, a limited setting that unleashes the authors' and characters' imaginations. Could you survive without money?: In Utah, a modern-day caveman has lived for the better part of a decade on zero dollars a day (and more). The New Do-It-Yourselfers: Today’s economy is forcing just about everyone to pinch pennies in increasingly creative ways. Rick Newman on 21 things we're learning to live without.