
Noticed in India

Gandhians with a gun? Arundhati Roy plunges into the sea of Gondi people to find some answers. A review of Reservations for Women, India: Issues in Contemporary Indian Feminism. Why are we uncomfortable about wearing Indian clothes to the workplace? The Web has been a liberating medium for online literary journals, freed as they are from production and distribution constraints. David Mekelburg on a river of shit and other public health concerns noticed in India. David Mekelburg on lost soul spiritualism and other thoughts in India. Anne Applebaum on the Indian way of patriotism: It's not nationalistic, not imperialist, not aggressive, but rather self-critical. India’s latest statehood movement reveals a crisis at the heart of the country’s globalising ambitions. A review of Power and Contestation: India since 1989 by Nivedita Menon and Aditya Nigam. Pankaj Mishra on Kashmir, “the world’s most dangerous place”. Sex and the Swami: Why India’s gurus can’t keep it in their loincloths (and more). A review of War and Peace in Modern India: A Strategic History of the Nehru Years by Srinath Raghavan. A review of Becoming Indian: The Unfinished Revolution of Culture and Identity by Pavan K. Varma. Nationalist, anti-nationalist or beyond nationalist?: An article on Tagore as a thinker for the world. Katherine Hill reviews Dreaming in Hindi by Katherine Russell Rich. From The Hindu, a review of books on Indian secularism. Sex, Lies & Homework: While adults turn a blind eye, urban schoolchildren are playing high-stakes games inside a super-sexualised world. A review of The Wrongs of the Religious Right: Reflections on Science, Secularism and Hindutva by Meera Nanda. Beware India: The principle cog in the food and ecological cycle, with every tiger gone, the entire country's survival is at stake.