
Rethinking family history

George Steven Swan (NCAT): The Deconstruction of Marriage: The Law and Economics of Unilateral No-Fault Divorce (and part 2). From Boston Review, a forum on "Mothers Who Care Too Much": Nancy Hirschmann on how stay-at-home mothering is bad for mothers, their kids, and women’s equality (and a series of responses). From ARPA, a review of The 700 Habits of Highly Ineffective Parents by Jonathan Biggins and The Spoilt Generation: Why Restoring Authority Will Make Our Children and Society Happier by Aric Sigman. A review of Tara Parker-Pope's For Better: The Science of a Good Marriage. A review of More Perfect Unions: The American Search for Marital Bliss by Rebecca L. Davis. From the Phyllis Schlafly Report, a look at the awesome power of family courts. From Newsweek, Jessica Bennett and Jesse Ellison on the case against marriage (and a response). Parenthood's all-out war: When it comes to raising a kid, two gangs dominate, and they agree on only one thing — You're doing it wrong. A review of A History of Marriage by Elizabeth Abbott. Do babies make marriages fail? An article on the paternity myth and the rarity of cuckoldry. A review of Jacob's Well: A Case for Rethinking Family History by Joseph A. Amato. All Joy and No Fun: Social-science researchers keep coming to the same conclusion: Having children makes adults less happy. Amanda Marcotte on the real reasons more women are remaining childless. Our nature is nurture: Are shifts in child-rearing making modern kids mean?