
The values of the left

From New Left Project, an interview with Stuart White on how to institutionalise the values of the left, focusing in particular on the idea of an unconditional basic income. From Democracy, Roger Berkowitz on why we must judge: It’s not all relative — without judgment, a society loses its sense of justice. From the Platypus Review, an interview with George Scialabba, author of What are Intellectuals Good For?; and a look at how cheering for team Chavez is a way for post-mortem leftists to hold on to dear life. From The American Prospect's twentieth anniversary issue, neither liberals nor conservatives have been able to claim lasting power, but liberals have an advantage: real solutions (and more); a look at the right way to please the base: What the left can learn from right-wing extremists; and all politics is identity politics: We can't forget that ideology is shaped by personal experience. Idealists for Hire: Canvassing works, but is its success at the cost of its workers? From Adbusters, Micah M. White on the eternal idea of revolutionary justice: A road map for insurrectionary anticonsumerism. From New Statesman, an interview with Marshall Berman, author of All That Is Solid Melts Into Air. Is there more to the refusal of identity than the romantic escape fantasies of certain anarchist cells or the necessary survival tactics of the "illegal"? John Cunningham takes up the case of clandestinity and resistance in the age of biopolitics.