
Years of climate change

From Synthesis/Regeneration, Richard Burke maintains that Andre Gorz, author of Ecology as Politics, was serious about the need to heed ecological limits and reduce production; and Molly Scott Cato and Chris Hart want to use insight into the importance of use value rather than exchange value. Co-opting the green movement: Michael Barker on the problematic relationship between liberal foundations and environmentalism. Capitalist "bootleggers" have co-opted the environmental "Baptists" to fulfil their raison d'etre, making money — thanks to the "greenwash", the solutions could be worse than the problems. The climate catastrophe has begun — how much more proof do the deniers want? George Monbiot on why climate science divides people along political lines, and on the smearing of an innocent man, Rajendra Pachauri. On climate change, it's time to talk, and act, tough: Environmentalists have tried the compromise route — it hasn't worked. An interview with Bill McKibben, author of Eaarth (and more). "It's going to make a huge mess": Wallace Broecker, the man who coined the term "global warming", looks back at 35 years of climate change (and more and more). A review of The Climate War by Eric Pooley (and more) and The Weather of the Future by Heidi Cullen. A review of Climate Wars: The Fight for Survival as the World Overheats by Gwynne Dyer. A review of The Flooded Earth: Our Future in a World Without Ice Caps by Peter Ward. The first chapter from The Long Thaw: How Humans Are Changing the Next 100,000 Years of Earth's Climate by David Archer.