
From our subaltern depths

From Index on Censorship, don’t stop the music: Read about the songs they tried to ban, the musicians stopped from playing live, and the singers who are put on trial. Dan Abrams to write book proving that women are better than men — yes, really. Despite the belief that happiness has remained constant in modern societies, recent research says otherwise, citing rising democracy and increased basic freedoms as the cause. A review of Integral Pluralism: Beyond Culture Wars by Fred Dallmayr. The Trickledown Revolution: Arundhati Roy on how the answer lies not in the excesses of capitalism or communism — it could well spring from our subaltern depths. Sweatpants in Paradise: The Believer profiles the exciting world of immersive retail. Catherine Marshall on how hedonists miss the point of travel. Human tongue sauteed in buttermilk, things we do to each other in hotel rooms, and a few words about Amelia Gray’s Museum of the Weird. An interview with Viktor Mayer-Schonberger on books on memory and the digital age. An interview with Laura Kipnis, author of How to Become a Scandal: Adventures in Bad Behavior. A review of Ah-Choo: The Uncommon Life of Your Common Cold by Jennifer Ackerman. Sex to die for: Isabella Rossellini has been directing and acting in a strange and wonderful series called Green Porno. Did ancient coffee houses lay the groundwork for modern consumerism? A review of Toward a Rhetoric of Insult by Thomas Conley.