
On the verge of vanishing

Jan-Werner Muller (Princeton): Re-Imagining Leviathan: Schmitt and Oakeshott on Hobbes and Political Order. A review of Terrorism and the Ethics of War by Stephen Nathanson. A review of The Age of Empathy: Nature's Lessons for a Kinder Society by Frans de Waal. An article on 12 ancient landmarks on the verge of vanishing. Can negative publicity help? The research says yes — under the right circumstances. Lawless Courts: Immigration judges who flagrantly disregard the law are sheltered by a secretive system. Did scientist Marc Hauser get a raw deal? (and more) Unleash the dogs of capitalism: What should come after disarmament — how about tax policy? Optical illusions are more than just a bit of fun; Beau Lotto is finding out what tricking the brain reveals about how our minds work. Behold, the next media titans: Apple, Google, Facebook, Amazon, Slate on the anniversary of Garry Trudeau's comic strip. An interview with Bill Bryson: “Have you ever seen Glenn Beck in operation? It’s terrifying”. First, it was gold, now, Glenn Beck is promoting another way to prep for disaster, freeze-dried food — is there a method to his endorsements? A review of The Peacock and the Buffalo: The Poetry of Nietzsche. A look at Debtors Anonymous and living a debt-free life. Should humanities programs be saved at public universities that are hard pressed to meet the needs of all sorts of students? Choosing a mate, selecting a chair: A design researcher suggests people look for the same qualities in products as they do in their partners. Leadership and Love: Do we really need to love the people we work with? Trial lawyers like Tony Buzbee got rich putting the screws to corporate America, but in the wave of gulf-spill litigation, they’re struggling to not get cut out of the action. What is a copy? An excerpt from In Praise of Copying by Marcus Boon.