
The facts of our economy

Gayatri Sarin (Macalester): Economics: The Precocious Social Science. Nathan Berg (Texas): Behavioral Economics. Peter J. Boettke (George Mason): The Tasks of Economics Education. An article on envy as the foundation of capitalism. Economics was founded by moral philosophers, and links between the two disciplines remain strong — so why won’t economists make judgments on the gap between rich and poor? A review of Literature and the Economics of Liberty by Paul Cantor and Stephen Cox (and more). Hayek plus Sen rings a bell: A review of Socialism after Hayek by Theodore Burczak. A review of John Holloway's Crack Capitalism. Evolution, ethics, and the market: Does capitalism encourage people to treat each other better? A new report highlights the individual psychological decision making factors that play a role in economic downturns. Is capitalism a spiritual failure? Chris Lehmann on the fraudulent case for the benefits of wealth inequality. The Ig-Nobel Prize for Economics: Should companies promote people at random? The X factor of economics: Why can’t economists agree on whether the Fed should take action? Human behavior is partly to blame. What's the real problem, economics or economists? From HBR, what if Lehman Brothers had been Lehman Sisters? Making religion of economics: The arguments of market fundamentalists don't fit the facts of our economy, so they ignore the facts. Roger Backhouse on his book The Puzzle of Modern Economics: Science or Ideology. A review of Karl Polanyi: The Limits of the Market by Gareth Dale. A review of The Upside of Irrationality by Dan Ariely. A review of How They Blew It: The CEOs and Entrepreneurs Behind Some of the World’s Most Catastrophic Business Failures by Jamie Oliver and Tony Goodwin.