
Just as you might expect

A new issue of the Journal of Third World Studies is out. Alex M. Thomas (Hyderabad): Economists, Listen to Feyerabend. “A Guantanamo on the Seas”: Eugene Kontorovich has struggled to return the outlawry of pirates to the legal agenda. A review of Shock of Gray: The Aging of the World's Population and How it Pits Young Against Old, Child Against Parent, Worker Against Boss, Company Against Rival, and Nation Against Nation by Ted Fishman. Truth to power: James Howard Kunstler explains how the world is going to get bigger and rounder again. From Too Much, a review of The Trouble with Billionaires by Linda McQuaig and Neil Brooksl and over across the Atlantic, reformers have begun a year-long probe that has the fire-power — and credibility — needed to challenge the sacred cows of the global executive compensation status quo. A review of Roosevelt's Purge: How FDR Fought To Change the Democratic Party by Susan Dunn. Fun but utterly fallible:’s resident skeptic, just as you might expect of a Scorpio, will have no truck with horoscopes or astrology. From World Affairs, Michael V. Hayden on intelligence reform; and R. James Woolsey, Rachel Kleinfeld, and Chelsea Sexton on the case for a distributed grid and a low-oil future. Paradoxical Truth: Paradoxes have been confounding minds since Aristotle, but we ignore them at our peril. Robert Egger on 5 myths about hunger in America. Utne Reader profiles Bill McKibben, voice of reason, man of action.