
Debates about parenting

Naomi Mezey and Cornelia Nina Pillard (Georgetown): Against the New Maternalism. Mary Ziegler (St. Louis): The Bonds that Tie: The Politics of Motherhood and the Future of Abortion Rights. Jeffrey Yuen (Columbia): Sticky Gender Stereotypes and the Unfulfilled Promise of Alternative Family Forms. Paulo Barrozo (BC): Finding Home in the World: A Deontological Theory of the Right to Be Adopted. June Carbone (Missouri): Who Decides What Number of Children is "Right"? Sometimes eight just isn’t enough, or at least it isn’t for Ziona Chana, who has the world’s largest family: 39 wives, 94 children, and 33 grandchildren. From Five Dials, a special issue on parenting. From TPM, a review of Motherhood: The Birth of Wisdom and Fatherhood: The Dao of Daddy; and Jean Kazez on parenthood and meaning. Reflections on biology and motherhood: Where does Homo sapiens fit in? The No-Baby Boom: A growing number of couples are choosing to live child-free — and you might be joining their ranks. Is the way you talk about women scarring your daughter? Pam Chamberlain on how father's rights groups threaten women's gains — and their safety. Alison Gopnik talks about what is really going on in our children’s minds. Who really cares how yuppies raise their kids? Paradoxically, the kind of parents who follow debates about parenting may be those with the least to worry about. The hypocrisy of Phyllis Schlafly: She spent her career fighting the concept of childcare — now we find out she had "domestic help" herself. A review of Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother by Amy Chua and Cinderella Ate My Daughter: Dispatches From the Front Lines of the New Girlie-Girl Culture by Peggy Orenstein. The Korean dads’ 12-step program: Inside Father School, a program that teaches authoritarian fathers how to loosen up.