
A great case study

Alexander Libman, Andre Schultz and Thomas Graeber (Frankfurt): Tax Return as a Political Statement. Elizabeth Berenguer Megale (Barry): From Innocent Boys to Dirty Old Men: Why the Sex Offender Registry Fails Our Children. If magazines are supposed to be cool, Mental Floss doesn’t stand a chance, but it is a great case study for the magazine business as a whole. A field guide to bullshit: How do people defend their beliefs in bizarre conspiracy theories or the power of crystals? Philosopher Stephen Law has tips for spotting their strategies. Expert Insight: A fascinating new business that allows you to buy personal advice from a Nobel Prize-winning economist or poker champion. Knockout King: Kids call it a game, academics call it a bogus trend, cops call it murder. Learning Unplugged: Find it on the Internet but learn it in real life. A look at archaeology's tech revolution since Indiana Jones. Cosmo sex facts: Confessions from a fact-checker at Cosmopolitan magazine. Politics and Liberty: Political philosopher Pierre Manent rethinks the history of the West.