
One another and the world

Liyakat Takim (McMaster): The Ground Zero Mosque Controversy: Implications for American Islam. From State of Nature, smoke and mirrors: John Ripton on national debt and economic recovery. Peter Diamond, Goodwin Liu, Dawn Johnsen: Why can't Obama get his nominees confirmed? Divine Inspiration: How Catholicism made Marshall McLuhan one of the twentieth century’s freest and finest thinkers. The most pronounced development in banking today is that executives have become bolder as their business has gotten worse. Re-Assassination of Trotsky: A review in a leading journal identifies numerous errors in a widely praised biography — Scott McLemee goes in search of some answers. Joseph Stiglitz on the ideological crisis of Western capitalism. Daily Kos: A look at how Markos Moulitsas's website changed politics. All they want is the truth: At an unconventional convention in Atlanta in February, conspiracy theorists, UFO researchers, alternative medicine advocates, new patriots, and paranormalists came together to share their “alternative knowledge” with one another and the world. If you want to understand why cutting the deficit is so hard, you can’t do much better than to look at the Business Roundtable. Kevin Drum on how "deficit reduction" = spending cuts on social programs for the young and the poor. Paul Campos on Casey Anthony and Dominique Strauss-Kahn: How their cases show the system works.