
American inheritance

Donna L Akers (Nebraska): Decolonizing the Master Narrative: Treaties and Other American Myths. Gambling on nation-building: Tribes are at last becoming sovereign in more than theory, with mixed results. Jefferson’s Women: Sexual enlightenment and racism in the life of a secular hero. Contrary to popular opinion, publicly-funded assistance for the poor has been practiced in America from colonial days. Philippe Fournier (Montreal): Welfare and Foreign Aid Practices in the Contemporary United States: A Governmental Study. Gordon Wood reviews Law in American History, Volume I: From the Colonial Years Through the Civil War by G. Edward White. A review of The Evolution of a Nation: How Geography and Law Shaped the American States by Daniel Berkowitz and Karen B. Clay. American inheritance, Harvard pulpit: Douglass Shand-Tucci on Boston Brahmin liberalism. From History Now, a special issue on American Reform Movements. From Cardus, a review of Monsters in America: Our Historical Obsession with the Hideous and the Haunting by W. Scott Poole.