
Confronting conservatives

From Humanitas, Walter A. McDougall (Penn): The Challenge Confronting Conservatives: Sustaining a Republic of Hustlers (and responses by Michael P. Federici and Richard M. Gamble and a reply). Cosimo Magazzino (Roma Tre): The Economic Policy of Ronald Reagan: Between Supply-Side and Keynesianism. Landon Schnabel (Andrews): Whatever Happened to the Christian Coalition? A Sociohistorical Content Analysis of the Contract with the American Family and the Republican Party Platform. Ed Kilgore on why the Christian Right doesn't care that Mitt Romney is a Mormon. From Christianity Today, a review of The Case for Polarized Politics: Why America Needs Social Conservatism by Jeffrey Bell; and Amy E. Black on the cure for election madness: How to be political without losing your soul. Jason Stahl on historicizing the conservative think tank. Jonathan Cohn on the blind spot in Romney's economic plan. Emperor of no: How anti-tax crusader Grover Norquist rose from Weston to Washington. From New York, Frank Rich on how conservative donors are buying this presidential election; and the GOP’s woman problem is that it has a serious problem with women. A new e-book from Philip Klein, an unusually forthright conservative, advises the right on how it can avoid the mistakes of 2001 to 2008.