
Island worlds

Sylvie Maurer (Savoy): Former British Colony: Mauritians in the Face of Globalisation. From Island Studies Journal, Elaine Stratford (Tasmania), Godfrey Baldacchino (UPEI), Elizabeth McMahon (UNSW), Carol Farbotko (Wollongong), and Andrew Harwood (Tasmania): Envisioning the Archipelago; and Owe Ronstrom (Gotland): In or On? Island Words, Island Worlds. Martin W. Lewis on divided islands, large and small. Who bit my border? You probably don’t think much about the border between Indonesia and Papua New Guinea. Sara Morrison's dream vacation spot is an island in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, but this island is not tropical and gorgeous — it's called Tristan da Cunha, and it's the most isolated inhabited place in the world. From World Island Information, here is a list of misinformation about islands; and an article on starting your own island country: “[It] requires an island, and citizens, and there difficulties begin”. Although many utopian societies seem doomed from the outset, the Republic of Minerva was up against a unique challenge: creating a libertarian micro-nation on reclaimed reefs in the Pacific Ocean, when the land already had an owner.