
Native American populations

Roger Merino (Bath): What is “Post” in Post-Neoliberal Political Economy? Indigenous’ Land Rights and the Extractive Industry in Peru, Bolivia and Ecuador. Kay Mathiesen (Arizona): A Defense of Native American’s Rights Over Their Traditional Cultural Expressions. US should return stolen land to Indian tribes, says United Nations. The southern portions of Canada have been settled and their resources largely depleted; as companies expand their search for precious resources, they must deal with aboriginal people whose land they’re trampling on. The government of El Salvador has moved to constitutionally recognize the existence of the country’s indigenous peoples. In the Amazon, the world’s “most threatened tribe”, the nomadic Awa, faces extinction because of illegal logging and development (and more and more). Scientists have found that Native American populations — from Canada to the southern tip of Chile — arose from at least three migrations, with the majority descended entirely from a single group of First American migrants that crossed over through Beringia.