
Contrary to myth

From the Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, Rainer Hegselmann (Bayreuth): Thomas C. Schelling and the Computer: Some Notes on Schelling's Essay "On Letting a Computer Help with the Work". A look at how a “Dream Team” of behavioral scientists advised the Obama campaign. John Wenzel reviews Totally Mad: 60 Years of Humor, Satire, Stupidity and Stupidity. It's MAD's world, but is there any room left for it anymore? Eli Saslow on how GOP’s Red America is forced to rethink what it knows about the country. Karl Steel reviews Monsters, Gender and Sexuality in Medieval English Literature by Dana M. Oswald. Changing savings habits: Can financial education in grade school have long-term effects? Robert Wright on the real David Petraeus scandal. Joan Walsh on the real Petraeus scandal. Felix Salmon on the deliciousness of Rolling Jubilee. The truth about Ben and Jerry’s: Contrary to myth, the sale of Ben & Jerry’s to corporate giant Unilever wasn’t legally required. Kathryn Doyle interviews Roger Musson, author of The Million Death Quake: The Science of Predicting Earth’s Deadliest Natural Disaster.