
Tragic results for everyday Americans

John L. Watts (Texas Tech): Tyranny by Proxy: State Action and the Private Use of Deadly Force. Gordon A. Crews, Angela D. Crews, and Catherine E. Burton (Marshall): The Only Thing That Stops a Guy with a Bad Policy is a Guy with a Good Policy: An Examination of the NRA’s “National School Shield” Proposal. Jeannine Bell (Indiana): The Puzzles of Racial Extremism in a “Post-Racial” World. From Social Evolution Forum, Peter Turchin on the strange disappearance of cooperation in America (and part 2). Howard Schuman and Stanley Presser on the gun control paradox. Robert Atkinson and Michael Lind on how Econ 101 is killing America: Forget the dumbed-down garbage most economists spew — their myths are causing tragic results for everyday Americans. Scott Lemieux on how the Zimmerman acquittal isn't about "stand your ground" — it's worse than that. How Fox News Fools: Jonathan Phillips and Eric Mandelbaum explain the psychology behind Fox’s use of distractions to shut down critical thinking. Welcome to the American dystopia: Part Orwellian security state, part Huxley wonderland and part "Matrix", America is three dystopias in one. Zimmerman's not guilty — but Florida sure is. DD writes in from Wisconsin: “As I told in friend in Tampa today though, if you’re ever in a heated argument with anyone, and you’re pretty sure there aren’t any witnesses, it’s always best to kill the other person”.