
Developments in human development

A new issue of Finance and Development is out. Purusottam Nayak (North-Eastern Hill): Methodological Developments in Human Development Literature. Khalid Malik (UNDP): Human Development Report 2013: The Rise of the South: Human Progress in a Diverse World. Frances Stewart (Oxford): Capabilities and Human Development: Beyond the Individual — The Critical Role of Social Institutions and Social Competencies. Barry Hughes (IFs): Development-Oriented Policies and Alternative Human Development Paths: Aggressive But Reasonable Interventions. Wolfgang Lutz and Samir Kumar K.C. (IIASA): Demography and Human Development: Education and Population Projections. Casper Worm Hansen (Aarhus) and Netspar Lars Lonstrup (Southern Denmark): The Rise of Life Expectancy and Economic Growth in the 20th Century. Francisco Buera (UCLA), Joseph P. Kaboski (OSU), and Yongseok Shin (WUSTL): The Macroeconomics of Microfinance. Milford Bateman (UNIPU): The Rise and Fall of Muhammad Yunus and the Microcredit Model. Milford Bateman (UNIPU): The Age of Microfinance: Destroying Latin American Economies from the Bottom Up. In a comparative survey, Lena Lavinas reveals the CCT model as a strategy for the financialization — not abolition — of poverty, and Latin America as laboratory for conditional cash transfers, fast becoming the hegemonic social-protection paradigm for the Global South. When loans beat grants: What’s best, giving a man a fish, teaching a man to fish, or lending a man a fish? Nathan Fiala went to Uganda to find out, and the results of his study make for fascinating reading. From Wired, a look at 5 maps that could help solve some of the world’s most daunting problems. Want to save lives? You need a map of what’s doing us in.