
It doesn’t have to be

Jon D. Carlson, Christopher Hubach, Joseph Long, Kellen Minteer, and Shane Young (UC-Merced): Scramble for the Arctic: Layered Sovereignty, UNCLOS, and Competing Maritime Territorial Claims. Susan Deacy (Roehampton): Ancient Greek Sexual Violence in Evolutionary Perspective, Or Why Does Zeus Rape? An Evolutionary Psychological Perspective. Michael McLeay, Amar Radia, and Ryland Thomas (Bank of England): Money in the Modern Economy: An Introduction; and Money Creation in the Modern Economy. Tamara Alvarez Fernandez (New School): Anti-Material: The Power of the Occult and the Spirit of Prostitution. Andrew Hanson (Marquette) and Zackary Hawley (TCU): The $10.10 Minimum Wage Proposal: An Evaluation Across States. Big government spending verging on quasi-socialism: Jonathan Earle on how the Cliven Bundy saga exposes America's most enduring myth. Has a tech entrepreneur come up with a product to replace our meals? Lizzie Widdicombe on the end of food. Emily Letts filmed her abortion to show other people it doesn’t have to be scary. In what is quickly becoming a weekly ritual, religious fundamentalists are super-duper angry at Neil deGrasse Tyson. David Weigel on how is not what's wrong with Meet the Press. The small island territory of New Caledonia just created the world’s largest protected marine park, three times the size of Germany. Ron Fournier attacks Paul Krugman, embarasses self. Had enough Benghazi? Too bad!