
Don’t look now

John Curtis (Birmingham): Twitter, King Lear, and the Freedom of Speech. Jasper Littmann (Kiel): Antibiotic Resistance and Distributive Justice. Lloyd Hitoshi Mayer (Notre Dame): Politics and the Public’s Right to Know. From Hoover Digest, a special section on remembering Gary Becker. Rachel Zoll on how Israel is no longer a cause that unifies US Jews. Steve Coll reviews The Everything Store: Jeff Bezos and the Age of Amazon by Brad Stone. Stone age sex: When it comes to sex will humans ever be liberated from the basic biological needs that drove our evolutionary past? David Bromwich on Barack Obama as the world’s most important spectator. Can listicles fund the Baghdad bureau? Steven Waldman on how BuzzFeed and HuffPo manage to do real journalism — for now. The introduction to Handbook of Freemasonry by Henrik Bogdan and Jan A.M. Snoek. Casey Cep on the truth about truthers: While it’s turned into a disparaging term, being a “truther” once meant you were the opposite of a liar. Don't look now, but it looks like Obamacare opponents may get a second chance to kill the law, or fatally wound it, at the Supreme Court. Philip Ball on James Lovelock: Is the inventor of the Gaia Hypothesis really such an outsider? Danny Frederick on voluntary slavery: “Life-long voluntary slavery contracts are impermissible because of human fallibility; but fixed-term slavery contracts should be legally enforceable”. Brian Leiter on the recurring myth about Nietzsche and fascism. "All-natural" labels on food are meaningless — let's get rid of them. Wine needs its Nate Silver: Can we quantify and more accurately describe how alcohol tastes?