
In black and white

Kasey Henricks (Loyola): Passing the Buck: Race and the Role of State Lotteries in America’s Changing Tax Composition. Thomas Mitchell (Wisconsin): Growing Inequality and Racial Economic Gaps. What if Black America were a country? The statistics reveal a fragile state within a superpower. NC House Speaker Thom Tillis says governments had redistributed trillions of dollars over the years — amounting to “de facto reparations”. Hamilton Nolan on what reparations in America could look like. Ta-Nehisi Coates on how to steal things, exploit people, and avoid all responsibility. Matt Bruenig on how white high school dropouts have more wealth than black college graduates. Annalee Newitz on what happens when white people move into your neighborhood. Jesse Singal on what happens when you tell white people America is getting less white. Whites think discrimination against whites is a bigger problem than bias against blacks. Why do so many white Americans think they're the real victims? Nicholas Hune-Brown on white people’s obsession with reverse racism. Jonathan Chait on why Rush Limbaugh can’t stop talking about slavery. How did the straight, white, middle-class Default Man take control of our society — and how can he be dethroned? Emily Baxter and Jamie Keene on the excessive political power of white men in the United States, in one chart. Sharifa Rhodes-Pitts on the worth of black men, from slavery to Ferguson. Deadly force, in black and white: A ProPublica analysis of killings by police shows outsize risk for young black males. Dehumanization increasingly seems to be merely a symptom of the problem; the problem being precisely that black people are being seen as people — and they are seen as being threatening, and taken down, because of it. You really can get pulled over for driving while black, federal statistics show.