
The record straight

From the inaugural issue of SLACE, Charles M. Sprock Jr. (Syracuse): Marriage is (a Fundamental Right) an Option; Elizabeth Brake (Arizona State): Recognizing Care: The Case for Friendship and Polyamory; and Matthew L. Clemente reviews What is Marriage? Man and Woman: A Defense by Sherif Girgis, Ryan T. Anderson and Robert P. George. Mark Beeson (Murdoch): Can Asia’s Alliances Still Keep the Peace? From The Qualitative Report, a series of essays on the journal and letters of Edward Bliss Emerson (1805-1834), a younger brother of the renowned essayist and poet Ralph Waldo Emerson, who lived in the Danish Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico for the final three years of his life. Why are Americans so fascinated with extreme fitness? Heather Havrilesky investigates. Melvin P. Leffler on how the free market did not bring down the Berlin Wall: The United States has misinterpreted the end of Communism for a quarter of a century — it's time to set the record straight. Mary Elise Sarotte on how the Berlin Wall really fell. Did journalists’ questions topple the Berlin Wall? At a 1989 news conference, a flummoxed East German official implied that the Wall was open — and the rest is history. East Germany decided to topple the Berlin Wall in a smoking break. Matthew Wills on escapist humor in East and West Berlin. Tyler Cowen on a strategy for rich countries: Absorb more immigrants. How did the FBI break Tor? Kashmir Hill investigates. Chicken of tomorrow: Andrew Lawler on how a massive breeding contest turned a rarely eaten backyard bird into the technological marvel that feeds the world. Katie Zavadski on how Obama is still pen pals with Iran’s Ayatollah Khamenei.