
The analytic-continental divide in political philosophy

David Owen (Southampton): Reason and Practices of Reasoning: On the Analytic-Continental Divide in Political Philosophy. From the forthcoming Oxford Handbook of Carl Schmitt, Matthew Specter (CCSU): What's “Left” in Schmitt? From Aversion to Appropriation in Contemporary Political Theory. Christian List and Laura Valentini (LSE): Political Theory. Francesco di Bernardo reviews The Misguided Search for the Political by Lois McNay. Thom Brooks (Durham): Why Political Theory Matters. A voice of one’s own: A symposium on Tracy Strong’s Politics without Vision: Thinking without a Banister in the Twentieth Century, with contributions by Patchen Markell, Linda Zerilli, Mary G. Dietz and Tracy B. Strong. Chetan Cetty (Georgia State): Is It Wrong To Assume Full Compliance In Ideal Theory? A Response to Schmidtz. Brendon Westler and Aurelian Craiutu (Indiana): Two Critical Spectators: Jose Ortega y Gasset and Raymond Aron. Jacob T. Levy (McGill): There is No Such Thing as Ideal Theory. Andrew Rowcroft (Lincoln): Whatever Happened to Post-Marxism. Ralph Wedgwood is against ideal theory (and a response: “What's not wrong with ideal theory”). From Public Seminar, can anyone even remember postmodernism? Enzo Rossi (Amsterdam): Facts, Principles, and Politics. John G. Gunnell (UC Davis): Political Judgment and the Problem of “Criticizing from the Outside”. Here are several entries from the new Encyclopedia of Political Thought, ed. Michael Gibbons (Wiley), the entry on politics and language by Ned Curthoys, and the entry on political concepts by Jacob Norberg. Arto Laitinen (Tampere): MacIntyre and Taylor: Traditions, Rationality, and the Modern Predicament. Bojan M Vranic (Belgrade): Why is Politics Not Essentially Contested? Peter Berkowitz on Leo Strauss' political philosophy: Reviled but redeemed.