
Among evangelical Christians

Bruce L. Gordon (Houston Baptist): Scandal of the Evangelical Mind: A Biblical and Scientific Critique of Young-Earth Creationism. Ruth C. Stern and J. Herbie DiFonzo (Hofstra): Dogging Darwin: America's Revolt Against the Teaching of Evolution. Conservative politicians abroad seem more accepting of evolution: Unlike American evangelicals who can reside in their own church and schools, the English have a more unified national culture that makes it easier to teach and accept the science. Ted Grimsrud on violence as a theological problem: Deeply ingrained in the religious consciousness of the United States is the belief that retribution is God’s will. Kathryn Gin Lum on evangelical haunted houses designed to show sinners that they’re going to hell. The warrior wives of evangelical Christianity: Emma Green on the intense focus on sexuality, purity, manhood, and womanhood in certain faith communities — and its consequences. S.E. Smith on how the Internet built the new Christian conservative movement. Muckraking magazine World creates a stir among evangelical Christians. Alan Noble on why evangelicals are wary of the government. Lydia Bean on why white evangelicals rule the midterms. Claude S. Fischer on how conservatives are driving Americans away from religion. Ed Kilgore on how conservatives are pushing liberals out of Christianity. Maxine Phillips on a Moral Minority: Is a liberal multi-racial, multi-faith political coalition possible? America’s holy alliance is ripping apart at the seams: Liberals and progressives may feel besieged by the religious right, but they should breathe easy — they are winning.