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From Essays in Philosophy, a special issue on Philosophy and Gun Control. James Rowe, Jessica Dempsey, and Peter Gibbs (Victoria): The Power of Fossil Fuel Divestment (and its Secret). Daniel Larison on why the deal with Iran is a serious blow to threat inflation (and more and more and more and more). A memo from the International Monetary Fund may finally force eurozone members to move closer to fiscal union or break up. Barry Eichengreen on saving Greece, saving Europe (and more). Here is the Euro-Summit agreement on Greece annotated by Yanis Varoufakis. The chairman of Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign is worried about two things: Jeb Bush and the “psychosis of the media”. Meet Teresa Ghilarducci, Hillary Clinton’s least-likely adviser. Jonathan Chait on how Donald Trump destroyed the Republican Party’s best-laid plans (and more). Matthew Yglesias on how Trumpism would be the perfect ideology for a third party. Welcome to Voat: Reddit killer, troll haven, and the strange face of internet free speech.