
The way forward

Anne-Maree Farrell (Monash): Addressing Organ Shortage: Are Nudges the Way Forward? Indonesia is burning — so why is the world looking away? 50% female cabinet lead to 5000% increase in guys who suddenly care about merit in cabinet. Quit it with the secret KKK rumors: Modern-day racism doesn’t come in a hood (and more). From Full-Stop, Marshall Yarbrough on the misery of the general reader: Fukuyama and Graeber. Can WorldStarHipHop, a website known for its fight videos and uncompromising approach to hip-hop culture, expand without losing its edge? Creator Lee O’Denat aims to find out. Libby C. Watson on why it’s time to reclaim trolling. Northwestern philosophy professor Peter Ludlow, accused of sexually harassing 2 students, resigns. City Journal enlists John Tierney. Is there any point in non-fiction books when you can look everything up online? Feel guilty — you’ll help society: When we are remorseful about missing opportunities to benefit others, we are often more likely to do the right thing.