
Taxes in America

Michelle Lyon Drumbl (Washington and Lee): Beyond Polemics: Poverty, Taxes, and Noncompliance. The dirt beneath your home is way more valuable than your home — it’s time we tax the dirt. Dara Lind on 11 charts that explain taxes in America. Allison Christians (McGill): Uncle Sam Wants Who? A Global Perspective on Citizenship Taxation. I’m an American living in Sweden — here’s why I came to embrace the higher taxes. Martin Lobel on how plutocrats cripple the IRS: You pay more because elites use their influence to pay less. Thanks to Bernie Sanders, we now know how many big corporations don’t pay taxes. Paul Starr on the strange silence about Sanders’s tax proposals: Bernie Sanders has proposed tax increases that ought to give Democrats pause, but hardly anyone is talking about them. Elizabeth Warren has a great idea for making Tax Day less painful.