
Ten ways to tell you

Daniel D. Hutto (Wollongong): A Reconciliation for the Future of Psychiatry: Both Folk Psychology and Cognitive Science. Do we really need a new U.N. oceans treaty? Yes, and here’s why. Jacoba Urist on the psychological cost of boring buildings. Has Obama upheld the law? David Luban reviews Power Wars: Inside Obama’s Post-9/11 Presidency by Charlie Savage. Jonathan Bernstein on why parties, not voters, choose their nominees. Laura Goode on how Lifetime became one of the best places in Hollywood for women: Lifetime’s grown from “guilty pleasure” to a critically acclaimed home for groundbreaking television. Homeless man Mark Burk says the city of Bayamon (in Puerto Rico) discriminated against him for being a white male. Jared Bernstein on how tax falsehoods flourish. Ten ways to tell you might be sitting next to an economist.