
Things we’ll need to rethink going forward

From Slate, Andrew Gelman on 19 lessons for political scientists from the 2016 election: The ground game is overrated, the parties don’t decide (and neither do sharks), and other things we’ll need to rethink going forward. Women Also Know Stuff about the 2016 election. After 2016, can we ever trust the polls again? The tainted election: Paul Krugman on coming to grips with illegitimacy. The year in faux protests: Donald Trump should have spurred liberals to fight — instead, they bought a lot of swag. How Democrats can bridge identity politics and economic populism: Some on the left are touting "the Bobby Kennedy coalition" as a model of multicultural working class politics.

American radicals and the change we could believe in: The Obama era reminded us all that popular movements play an essential role as catalysts for political action. Barack Obama’s America is still the future.