
No clue

Heather Gerken (Yale): Second-Order Diversity: An Exploration of Decentralization's Egalitarian Possibilities. How the "war on Christmas" controversy was created. Vivian Gornick reviews Marriage as a Fine Art by Julia Kristeva and Philippe Sollers. How to become a famous media scholar: Jefferson Pooley on the case of Marshall McLuhan. Obama just made it much harder for Trump to build his "Muslim registry". This may be Trump's most frightening and dangerous tweet yet. Donald Trump just pledged to "strengthen" America's nuclear capability. Donald Trump has no clue about nukes. Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin agree: Let's revive the nuclear arms race.

Here is the full list of musicians who will perform at Donald Trump's inauguration. "AGVA, their union, has put in writing to the full time Rockettes that they must accept the inauguration gig or they will lose their jobs. It’s perfect, actually. What could be more fitting for this inauguration than forcing a group of women to do something with their bodies against their will?"