
Invasion of the postmodern body snatchers

From Counterpunch, an article on the politics of teen pregnancy: It's not about sex; and Britney Spears' little sister Jamie Lynne is pregnant — should we blame hip hop? Invasion of the Postmodern Body Snatchers: An article on female contraception discourse in cyberspace. Once women burned their bras, today they send photos of their breasts to lad mags and call it liberating — is this really a new form of feminism or just the old objectification? Men propose, women dispose: Women often complain that dating is like a cattle market, and a paper just published suggests they are right. The Opt-out Marriage: Increased mobility goes hand in hand with increased economic uncertainty, especially among young professionals — their romantic lifestyles are adapting to the new pressures. The case for open relationships: Polyamorous relationships need trust and communication, not so different from monogamous ones. Homo erectus extinctus: Is nature determined to make men extinct? Senior scientists believe that women may evolve as humanity’s sole representatives — and social and political trends are lending weight to their theories.