
Progressive resistance in America

Heather Gerken (Yale): Playing Cards in a Hurricane: Party Reform in an Age of Polarization (and more). Democrats must become the party of freedom: Re-embracing anti-monopoly will reinvigorate American liberty and beat back Trumpism. Eric Holder to the rescue: President Obama's former attorney general will be at the forefront of legal challenges to the Trump administration — will they work? Obama's Farewell Address should sound the alarm about Trump: This is a dire moment for American democracy — it demands a dire warning. President Obama finally admitted he didn't pay enough attention to the Democratic Party. What went wrong with the Democratic Party? Three big failures that led to the current debacle. Theda Skocpol on a guide to rebuilding the Democratic Party, from the ground up.

Blue cities fight back in Red states: #DefendLocal. Blue states must become even bluer: As red states roll back democracy, blue states should double down on true progressivism. Laura Tyson and Lenny Mendonca on federalism and progressive resistance in America. Progressive protesters are ready for Trump — thanks, Obama. Resources for the Resistance: Resources to help targeted communities protect themselves, and to help us all do the organizing we must do over the next four years. Trump Resistance Reference Guide: Here are some of the best web resources for aiding the resistance.

From LARB, Henry Wismayer on the crisis of liberalism (and part 2). Form Dissent, Nancy Fraser on the end of progressive neoliberalism; and Michael Walzer on the historical task of the Left in the present period.