
The market and the state

Robert S. Taylor (UC-Davis): Republicanism and Markets. Wentong Zheng (Florida): Untangling the Market and the State. Avihay Dorfman (Tel Aviv): A Legalistic Conception of the Market: Beyond Efficiency. An interview with Raphaele Chappe on political economy and “The Making of the Market”. Herbert Hovenkamp (Penn): Whatever Did Happen to the Antitrust Movement? Buying in: Eve Fairbanks on how the language of the market has warped American politics. Tony Booth (Sussex): The Real Symbolic Limit of Markets. Noah Smith on how markets don’t work for everything. Martijn Konings (Sydney): How Finance is Governed: Reconnecting Cultural and Political Economy. He might be the poster boy for free-market economics, but that distorts what Adam Smith really thought.