
It’s hard to tell them apart

From Open Democracy, Tom Nairn on globalisation and nationalism: the new deal. From Good, a series of articles on Skid Row. From New Scientist, an article on the "male" military surgeon who wasn't. From Nerve, more on the history of single life: Love and money. We think we see people as individuals, but gender is like a contact lens permanently affixed to the eye. Here are 99 problems with the Bush administration: A look at the biggest losers under our current president. What happened when abstinence advocates invaded a hearing on the Hill about comprehensive sex ed. Obamanomics: Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are such economic twins, it's hard to tell them apart; why his approach has the edge. A review of Dirt: The Erosion of Civilizations by David R. Montgomery. Malte Faber (Heidelberg): How to be an Ecological Economist. Book lovers ask, what’s Seattle’s secret? From Wired, a look at how drugs and body modifications may create a second Enlightenment. In the Name of Dov: An American Apparel model's defense of the controversial CEO. It’s time for journal essays to replace books as the dominant mode of scholarly communication, writes Lindsay Waters. A review of The Purpose of the Past: Reflections on the Uses of History by Gordon Wood. The history of literary fakers stretches far, far back; here are some of the past few decades’ most notorious examples.