
View from behind

From New Left Review, Peter Gowan argues that the origins of the global financial crisis lie in the dynamics of the New Wall Street System that has emerged since the 1980s; Francis Mulhern on the idea of culture in Raymond Williams’s classic work, and discrepant readings of it, fifty years on; a former MEP discusses the actual workings of the Europarliament, and the realities of "European construction" in the realm of culture; Peter Campbell writes on the aesthetics, ethics and technology of war photography; and Fredric Jameson reviews Christoph Henning's Philosophie nach Marx. View from Behind: Mainstream culture used to consider a big butt "lowly" and "vulgar", so why is it now the standard of beauty? Here are accounts of some of the lives lost this year whose effect during their time here will outlast the pulp of newspapers are printed on. Irrational Economic Man: If human beings are naturally risk-averse, then what the heck happened on Wall Street? For consumers, interactive entertainment is an opportunity — for critics, it’s a challenge. Common Cause: Abbas Mmilani on real help for Iranian democrats. How Bush Broke the Government: To gain a true sense of Bush's legacy, TAP surveys the systematic and politically motivated ways he undermined the federal government. A review of The Theology of Money by Philip Goodchild.