
The politics of scepticism

From Gelf, psychologist Paul Bloom studies babies to understand how we think about morality and religion; and Matthew Alper went on a solitary quest to understand religion — what he found was that his mind was trying to trick him. The politics of scepticism: Stuart Sim sees the writing on the wall for belief. A review of 50 Voices of Disbelief: Why We Are Atheists by Russell Blackford and Udu Schuklenk. Atheists shouldn't be afraid to be certain: Say it loud, say it proud — there is no God. Why do atheists have to talk about atheism? Are the "New Atheists" avoiding the "real arguments"? Laurie Taylor interviews Terry Eagleton, the Marxist critic gunning for the New Atheists. An excerpt from Atheist Delusions: The Christian Revolution and Its Fashionable Enemies by David Bentley Hart. Robert Wright argues that religion may be nonsense — but it helps mankind (and more and more and more and more and more and more on The Evolution of God). A review of The Case for God by Karen Armstrong (and more and more). More and more on God is Back by John Micklethwait and Adrian Wooldridge. Abandoning Judaeo-Christian values has led to the abolition of the family and a moral collapse in public life. Americans who combine love of God with love of country can quote the new "American Patriot's Bible".