
Climate change and conflict

From The Bulletin, an a brief history of climate change and conflict. A look at how anthropogenic global warming started when people began farming. A review of Heart of Dryness: How the Last Bushmen Can Help Us Endure the Coming Age of Permanent Drought by James Workman. Could it be that our genes and evolutionary heritage are responsible for our failure to tackle climate change? Research suggests psychological factors help explain slow reaction to global warming. "Holy schmoly! What are we going to do about this darn graph?": Here are five easy lies about global warming. A look at how marketing and psychology can help the planet stay cool. Climate disobedience is on the rise and it's not just for radical activists anymore. What is the collective impact of 6.7 billion human beings on one planet? David Suzuki on the problem of exponential population growth. From Scientific American, a new study suggests the best thing you can do for the planet might be having fewer children; can the world unite to combat climate change, and should troops be used to clean up the environment? United Nations peacekeepers already are. Can the environmental movement be saved, or is our last chance to preserve life on Earth slipping away?