
United States of Paranoia

From Vanity Fair, Levi Johnston writes about everyday life at chez Palin. Frank Schaeffer on how the ugly side of Evangelical Christianity is very much to blame for the anti-Obama hyperventilating. The Obama Haters: We still don't understand how fringe conservatism went mainstream. More and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more on Irving Kristol. Bill Moyers interviews Sam Tanenhaus, author of The Death of Conservatism (and more). From Salon, a series on the making of Glenn Beck (and part 2 and part 3). Glenn Beck's Party: The message of the GOP is being delivered by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing (and more from City Journal). United States of Paranoia: Phantom menaces populate the imaginations of Americans across the political spectrum, not just those on the populist Right. From TNR, Jonathan Chait is in the middle of nowhere: Splitting a baby is actually a bad thing; a look at the two most distorted words in the political dictionary: "bipartisan" and "centrist"; and left-handed compliment: Why can't liberals accept victory? What happened to populism: Paul Krugman and Thomas Frank, liberal keyboard messiahs, differ in the strength of medicine they offer Barack Obama. Pluralists vs. Technocrats: There is an important divide running through the middle of Democratic policymaking that gets very little attention. From Esquire, an interview with Bill Clinton (and more). A review of True Compass: A Memoir by Edward Kennedy (and more and more and more and more).