
Solutions for a hungry world

From Foreign Policy, here's a $9 trillion question: Did the world get Muhammad Yunus wrong? Small change: Billions of dollars and a Nobel Prize later, it looks like "microlending" doesn’t actually do much to fight poverty. What the world's poorest can teach us about money management: How can anyone live on just $2 a day? Economists are starting to find out. A review of Portfolios of the Poor: How the World’s Poor Live on $2 a Day (and more). A new approach to aid: How a basic income program saved a Namibian village. How important is nutrition to economic development?: An article on potatoes, the fruit of the earth. East Africa's drought is a looming catastrophe: Governments are at their wits’ end to keep their hungry people alive. Cornucopia Blues: A review of Enough: Why the World's Poorest Starve in an Age of Plenty by Roger Thurow and Scott Kilman and Famine: A Short History by Cormac O Grada (and more). So much food, so much hunger: Despite the Green Revolution, a billion people still don’t have enough to eat. If we choose to steer clear of GM agriculture, we risk running out of space to feed the world, and destroying more and more arable land. The future of farming: Here are eight solutions for a hungry world. Bernard Kouchner on a tax on finance to help the world’s poor. An excerpt from The Aid Trap: Hard Truths About Ending Poverty by R. Glenn Hubbard and William Duggan. Is Africa an exception to the rule that countries reap a “demographic dividend” as they grow richer? (and more)