
A new vision for education reform

Can America educate itself out of inequality?: A review of The Race between Education and Technology by Claudia Goldin and Lawrence F. Katz. Fifth period is Facebook: Why schools should stop blocking social network sites. The three Rs and neuroscience: After decades of antipathy, education is finally embracing brain studies (and more). An interview with Frank Furedi, author of Wasted: Why Education Isn’t Educating. All or Nothing: Chloe Angyal on the difficult decision between co-ed and unisex education. Education Next takes an inside look at school discipline. From The Washington Monthly, Mariah Blake on how a group of Texas conservatives is rewriting your kids’ textbooks. What makes a great teacher? Teach for America, drawing on two decades of observation and research, may have found the answer. A review of Researching Sex and Lies in the Classroom by Pat Sikes and Heather Piper. Kate Christensen reviews Free For All: Fixing School Food in America by Janet Poppendick. Forcing all high school students onto a college-prep track is not only wrong, it's dumb. A review of Tough Fronts: The Impact of Street Culture on Schooling by Janelle Dance. Seyward Darby on a new vision for education reform — and nagging questions about whether it can work. Learn how to practice safe sex at the Hojskole, Denmark’s alternative school. A review of Liberating Learning: Technology, Politics, and the Future of Education by Terry Moe and John Chubb. At Landover middle school, philosophy is part of lunch menu. Are boys being shortchanged in K–12 schooling? An interview with Richard Whitmire, author of Why Boys Fail.