
A waste of your time

From The Wilson Quarterly, David Landes on The Enterprise of Nations: Critics have tried to explain away the West’s centuries-long economic domination of the globe; they would do better to study its lessons. Why do educated people use bad words? A debate. Christopher Hitchens re-reads Animal Farm: Still outlawed by regimes around the world, Animal Farm has always been political dynamite — so much so, it was nearly never published. Scott McLemee reviews A Universal History of the Destruction of Books by Fernando Baez. Eyjafjallajokull awakes: How an Icelandic volcano shut down Europe's airspace. What are liberal law students so sad about? Transitions: Anna M. Grzymala-Busse and Joshua A. Tucker on the unlikely triumph of Polish democracy. From n+1, widespread reverence has been essential to the growth of Benjamin studies; but it has also served as a barrier to actual understanding and use of his thought. Hard questions from "soft" sciences: As social scientists enjoy strange new respect among the public, what are they up to? If you support our troops, you have to support the work of the Internal Revenue Service. An article on the rise, rise and rise of the Downfall Hitler parody. From Cracked, here is the Secret Hipster Guidebook; a look at the 5 most socially awkward situations everyone deals with; and an article on how to make your own conspiracy. From Rolling Stone, watchdog Elizabeth Warren may be the only person in Washington who stands between us and Wall Street's next meltdown; and Matt Taibbi on how the nation's biggest banks are ripping off American cities with the same predatory deals that brought down Greece (and more). From Granta, Janice Galloway on physics and bonkology. Please do not change your password: You were right — it’s a waste of your time.