
On the Internet

From Reconstruction, Jennifer Grouling Cover and Tim Lockridge (VT): Icons and Genre: The Affordances of LiveJournal.Com. From the International Journal of Internet Science, Monica T. Whitty (NTU) and Tom Buchanan (Westminster): What's in a Screen Name? Attractiveness of Different Types of Screen Names Used by Online Daters. From First Monday, Danah Boyd and Eszter Hargittai (Northwestern): Facebook Privacy Settings: Who Cares?; and Zizi Papacharissi on privacy as a luxury commodity. A Wall Street Journal investigation finds that one of the fastest-growing businesses on the Internet is the business of spying on consumers (and more). An article on the end of online anonymity: Why will you be freaking out? Why do websites let anonymous commenters just say whatever the hell they want anyway? "Why I like vicious, anonymous online comments": As news outlets push back against trolls, we may be losing something — a glimpse of the real America. From samizdat to Twitter: What happens when barriers to free expression come crashing down? Internet companies must screen content submitted by users, and the firms that sell the screening services are weighing the emotional toll on their workers. Social media addiction: In an age when most pathologies have long since been romanticized and commodified, pathological excess is still the winning equation for consumer behaviour.