
The alternative right

Michael J. Fortner (Drexel): Race and Redemption: The Local Roots of Modern Conservatism. From Alternative Right, an article on the infantilization of American conservatism; Richard Spencer on the alternative right in America; and is the Alt Right anti-Semitic? A symposium (and John Derbyshire on the Old Right’s Jewish problem). From Intelligence Report, a special issue on "sovereign citizens" and "Patriot" movements. An interview with Jared Taylor, editor of the American Renaissance. You can download Beating Fascism: Anarchist Anti-Fascism in Theory and Practice for free online. As it turns out, White conservatives don't want to take the lead in preserving what remains of this country's now tenuous White, Anglo-Euro culture. From Time, a cover story on the secret world of extreme militias (and more). From The New American, an article on remembering the life of John Birch. Among the many fascinating figures that emerged from the intellectual culture of Germany’s interwar Weimar Republic, perhaps none is quite as significant or unique as Carl Schmitt (and part 2 and part 3 and part 4). Scott Locklin on a series on social class in America: The lower class, the working class, the middle class, the upper middle class, the upper class, and class war. takes a look inside hateful right-wing fringe groups. Downfall of a Satanic Girlieman: Those who live by the smear must be prepared to die by the smear. A review of Encounters: My Life with Nixon, Marcuse, and Other Friends and Teachers by Paul E. Gottfried. A review of Conservatism in America: Making Sense of the American Right by Paul Edward Gottfried. What is it to accept tradition? In an age of checklists, decision trees, and zero tolerance, it's a puzzling notion. Jared Taylor and Andy Nowicki remember Joe Sobran.