
Setting up shop

A new issue of the American Journal of Economics and Sociology is out. Mary Gergen (Penn State) and Kenneth J. Gergen (Swarthmore): Performative Social Science and Psychology. How does economic theory explain the Hubbert Peak oil model? Oil and the Left: An interview with Imre Szeman. Is ballet over? An excerpt from Jennifer Homans's Apollo's Angels: A History of Ballet (and more and more). Why terrorists blow themselves up: Is the challenge to come up with a reliable profile of the terrorist a matter of life and death for the West? From The Scavenger, veganism is traditionally associated with animal rights, particularly in the West, but plant-based lifestyles can better the human condition too; and it could be observed that much of veganism, as it is known particularly in the West, is associated with upper classes and privileged populations, but veganism at the grassroots is actually potentially most revolutionary. If India and Pakistan were cut from the same geographic and ethnic cloth, with the same parliamentary-style system, why is India held to be a vibrant democracy today and Pakistan a political basket case? Gay Republican Fred Karger is looking at a 2012 presidential run and already setting up shop in early primary states. President Frat Boy: Tucker Max and George W. Bush are basically the same person. Why Tony Kushner is one of the last intellectuals left standing in theater.