
How science changed our world

Measuring hell: Was modern physics born in the Inferno? A review of Richard Panek's The 4 Percent Universe: Dark Matter, Dark Energy and the Race to Discover the Rest of Reality. Gregg Easterbrook on the wonder of the universe. We still don’t know exactly how the universe was created — and, given the limits of the human brain, perhaps we never will. Ten questions science must answer: Martin Rees considers today's big issues, while leading thinkers describe the puzzles they would love to see solved. Science's breakthrough of the year: The first quantum machine. How science changed our world: Robert Winston presents his top ten scientific breakthroughs of the past 50 years. The rise of "convergence" science: Engineering and physical sciences, among other disciplines, are joining forces with the life sciences. David Berreby on using Google to tell real science from fads. Jonah Lehrer has more thoughts on the "decline effect" in science (and more by John Allen Paulos). Announcing Scientific Reports, a new open access publication covering the natural sciences. Does peer review work? Reviewers are only slightly more likely to agree than they would be if they were just flipping coins. John Horgan on Freeman Dyson, global warming, ESP and the fun of being "bunkrapt". George Musser writes in praise of scientific error. Science in the Obama White House: An interview with John Holdren (and part 2).