
Unemployment and a slow rebound

From Boston Review, a symposium on full employment, including a lead article by Robert Pollin and a series of responses. The White House looks for work: Obama’s economic team knows that everything rides on vanquishing unemployment, and doing it on the cheap. Where the recovery went wrong: Six reasons for high unemployment and a slow rebound. The jobless rate is higher in the United States than in Britain, Germany, Japan or Russia, a new study found, pointing to American employers’ unusual degree of power. America's Choices: Richard Trumka on why the conventional wisdom is wrong (and more). An interview with Philip Dray, author of There is Power in a Union: The Epic Story of Labor in America. A review of The Company Town: The Industrial Edens and Satanic Mills That Shaped the American Economy by Hardy Green (and more). A review of Punching Out: One Year in a Closing Auto Plant by Paul Clemens (and two excerpts at n+1: The Rigging Crew and The Arkansas Boys). Detroitism: What does “ruin porn” tell us about the motor city? Noreen Malone on the case against economic disaster porn: Stop slobbering over abandoned cityscapes! The Rust Belt turnaround: The recession's changed where young college grads are going — out of the southwest and into old industrial cities. Can we replicate in the 21st century what we accomplished in the 20th? Not if we handcuff ourselves.